Important Notice / Announcement
  • NEVER respond to any phone call/SMS/e-mail requesting your bank details such as login ID / Password.
  • NEVER reveal your Co-opbank Pertama password to anyone. Co-opbank Pertama does not request for your personal or financial information, neither will any staff/representative of Co-opbank Pertama ask anyone to transfer monies to any third-party account.
  • NEVER follow instruction from unknown party to do banking transaction or make changes to your bank account details.
  • NEVER fall victim to any telephone or email scam.
  • ALWAYS contact Co-opbank Pertama when in doubt for clarification.
Need Help? Contact Us
  • Telephone 1-300-88-7650 | WhatsApp +6019-756 7650 | Email info@cbp.com.my
  • Every Monday to Friday from 9.00am to 5.00pm except on Federal Public Holidays